Preparing for a wedding is an exciting time. The catering, the flowers, the dresses, and the venue all come together for an exciting day. But are San Diego couples forgetting something essential? Prenuptial agreements are increasing in popularity, and rightly so. They can protect both parties if a separation occurs later. While it is not something most people in love want to plan for, it may end up being beneficial. When considering whether a prenuptial agreement is right for you, consider the following factors:
• Does one or both of the parties own significant assets such as a home, retirement, inheritance properties?
• Does one partner own part of a business?
• Does either partner anticipate receiving an inheritance?
• Is there a disparity in the incomes of the parties?
• Does either partner anticipate acquiring significant property during the marriage?
• Are there children from previous relationships?
If any of the above answers are “yes,” it is a good idea to have a consultation with the attorney about the need for a prenuptial agreement. If you would like to set up an appointment with our experienced attorney, Dawn Dell’Acqua, to discuss the possibility of drafting a prenuptial agreement or review one that is already drafted, please contact our office using the convenient form to the right.