At the Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua, we understand the complications and uncertainties that arise within complex family law issues. Whether you are active duty or retired military we recognize the complex issues that come with a life in the military and vow to do everything within the law and our abilities to comply with and service those who have so bravely served us.
- Divorce filings for active and off duty service members and their spouses
- Military child custody and visitation
- Move-away and relocation
- Military child support payments
- Domestic violence and spousal abuse allegations
The topic regarding the distribution of military benefits is often at times complex and require meticulous legal representation. Military benefits such as shared assets and property, military pensions, and retirement pay.
Mrs. Dell’Acqua is dedicated to the well-being of her clients and will aggressively fight to achieve the best outcome.
Mrs. Dell’Acqua understands that the separation process can be overwhelming and stressful especially if you are unfamiliar with the California Family Laws. The Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua not only offers quality legal representation but comprehensive information about the legal process as well.
Having the privilege of being the mother of two children who are brave enough to put their lives on the line for our country and serve, Mrs. Dell’Acqua understands the stress that comes with those who wear the uniform and will always strive to make decisions that best suit your needs.
Contact our office and speak with a San Diego military divorce lawyer. Military discounted rates apply.