The Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua, APC offers divorce and other family law representation to clients throughout San Diego County. We know that for most people, nothing else matters about their lawyer more than that lawyer’s effectiveness. Our staff is compassionate and dedicated to the needs of our clients. We strive to provide good quality legal representation at affordable prices. We understand divorce is a traumatic experience and are eager to help our clients through it.
Our firm has been representing clients since its opening in 2002. During this time, the size of the firm has increased to include other like-minded attorneys, committed to helping clients navigate the waters of Family Court.
Meet Our Attorneys
Dawn M. Dell’Acqua became a Certified Family Law Specialist through the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization in 2004. Receiving that certification required years of experience, passing a rigorous examination, and receiving the recommendation of legal peers regarding the quality of representation. Additionally, Ms. Dell’Acqua has been the President and Board member of the San Diego Family Law Bar Association and a presenter at seminars on various Family Law topics. Ms. Dell’Acqua is also an adjunct professor at Cuyamaca College. Prior to opening the Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua, APC, Ms. Dell’Acqua was employed as a lead attorney for the County of San Diego, District Attorney’s Office Bureau of Child Support Enforcement (now known as The Department of Child Support Services). She currently acts as the attorney liaison for the Planning Of Cooperation Committee for the Family Support Division. This experience gives us greater insight into the key issues in paternity and child support disputes, particularly those where the County is involved.
Ariel M. Barbre is a junior associate attorney at the Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua, APC, and has been working at the Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua, APC since 2010. She has extensive experience working in Family Law, including prenuptial agreements, Marital Settlement Agreements, discovery disputes, Domestic Violence, and motions.
Our training and experience help us to provide our clients with the highest caliber of family law representation.
This San Diego Law Firm overview is just a small fraction of the services we offer. If you are facing a family law challenge, call (619) 325-4726, or contact us online to set up your initial consultation. You can also follow us on Facebook.