San Diego Child Support Enforcement AttorneyIf you have a family law case that is being handled by the Family Support Division in San Diego County, you may have questions about your rights, the process, and the law that will determine how your case will be decided. The important thing to remember is that the attorneys working for The Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) do not represent private individuals. While their collection efforts may benefit you, they are working for the County, not you.
At The Law Office of Dawn Dell’Acqua, APC, our child support enforcement San Diego attorney previously worked at the Family Support Division and can help the families of Southern California achieve their goals when they are faced with child support challenges.

Understanding the Department of Child Support Services
In cases handled by the Family Support Division, the attorneys employed by the DCSS have the responsibility to enforce and collect child support orders for families who are receiving assistance from the state or in cases where the parent has requested enforcement services.
What can be confusing for families is that the attorneys at DCSS are not their personal San Diego Child Support Enforcement Attorney. They are involved in the case to represent the County’s interests, not the party’s interests. These attorneys handle a high volume of cases every year and the cases can take considerable time to be resolved.
If you are currently receiving CalWORKS, your case will be automatically referred to your local child support agency for services. However, you do not need to be receiving assistance to receive child support services. The DCSS or local child support office can provide a variety of services, including:

  • Locating a parent
  • Establishing paternity
  • Establishing, modifying and enforcing a court order for child support
  • Establishing, modifying and enforcing an order for health insurance coverage or childcare expenses

You have the right to be represented by your own attorney in these proceedings.  Having a San Diego Child Support Enforcement Attorney who you know is looking out for your interests, double-checking the calculations and helping move your case through the system in a timely manner can make a huge impact on your family.

From a Scripps Ranch Attorney Experienced in DCSS Cases
Dawn Dell’Acqua is a Certified Specialist with the California State Board of Specialization in the area of Family Law. She is a lawyer with over 22 years of practical experience in divorce and family law issues. Her experience includes four years as a lead attorney for the County of San Diego, District Attorney’s Office Bureau of Child Support Enforcement (Department of Child Support Services). She also provides training and ongoing instruction to other attorneys in the San Diego area on issues related to family support and family law issues.

Contact Our California Family Law Attorney Today
If you are in need of a child support enforcement attorney, our office can help ensure your rights are being fully represented and your voice is heard. Call 619-325-4726, or contact our San Diego County child custody law firm to set up your initial consultation. Visit us on our Facebook page